"Family Reunion" is a collaboration between artist Shannon VanGyzen, the Hartford Dance Collective, and drag artists Severity Stone and Coleslaw. Video shot and edited by visual artist Laine Rettmer. Narration by artist Krystle Brown.
Using the sculptures included in the exhibition "Homebound", performers and choreographers created 13 unique performances, one for each sculpture in the exhibition. Shannon’s sculptures utilize found objects and furniture to explore ideas of taste and decoration, creating familial tropes like The Teenager, The Caretaker, and so on. The dancers and choreographers took these tropes and crafted each performance to explore the various formal and conceptual ideas using their bodies and sound.
"Family Reunion" is a collaboration between artist Shannon VanGyzen, the Hartford Dance Collective, and drag artists Severity Stone and Coleslaw. Video shot and edited by visual artist Laine Rettmer. Narration by artist Krystle Brown.
Using the sculptures included in the exhibition "Homebound", performers and choreographers created 13 unique performances, one for each sculpture in the exhibition. Shannon’s sculptures utilize found objects and furniture to explore ideas of taste and decoration, creating familial tropes like The Teenager, The Caretaker, and so on. The dancers and choreographers took these tropes and crafted each performance to explore the various formal and conceptual ideas using their bodies and sound.